Shadows in the Grass

Two Days In

Hey gang!

It has been an incredible first 2 days!

Since launching the campaign, we've hit 20% of our goal, and it is your generosity and tenacity that got us here. Thank you all so very much! We are absolutely blown away by how most people seem to like this project, and couldn't be happier.

There have been quite a few people talking about this project. A favourite from yesterday with "This indie sci-fi movie has a better space station than many blockbusters". If you like this article, please share it on Facebook, RT on Twitter, or upvote on Reddit.

This initial momentum is super important to us. 90% of campaigns which raise 30% of their goal in the first week become fully funded, while only 10-15% of the rest manage it. This is why every donation is huge at this stage; even $5 now makes a big difference down the line.

We'd like to make an extra shout out to those who have been campaigning strongly on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, other social medias, and directly to friends and family. If you really want to see this film get made, we need to share this campaign with a lot of people.

Until next time!

~ Mike and Matt

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