We are stunned that the "Colony Leader" perk level sold out already! Even more so, that people have been contacting us asking if they can still have a small role in the film anyways, even though it is sold out.
That perk was so limited because we don't want to be in the business of cramming in on-screen roles at the cost of storytelling; these roles are there to serve the film. Also, as producers we only want to offer perks that we can commit to fulfilling. Keeping that in mind, we took a close look at the current edit of the film and decided that we definitely want a larger "colony".
So, by popular demand (literally), we are introducing a "Colony Specialist" perk level. It is effectively the same as the "Colony Leader", except there are a few more that we are willing to release.
If last week was any indication, these will not last long; be sure to let your friends know they can be in the film before it is too late!